Frequently Asked Questions |
User Options |
»Why should I register?
Some functions of the forums are restricted to registered members. Here are some of those functions:
Post new messages without the need to enter a temporary username
Edit your posts
receive email notifications about new threads or posts
Send private messages to other members
Change your personal settings in your user cp
A 'Buddy List' that allows you to see when your friends are online
A 'Ignore List' that allows you to ignore/block certain users
By registering, you are also allowed the right to use the following fundamental functions:
Start new threads
Reply to posts
Start new polls and participate in existing ones
Registration is free, however, you must agree to certain rules before registering.
During the registration process, you will also need to choose a username and enter a valid email address. According to the forums settings, you will either have to choose a password or a randomly generated password will be sent to you by email.
We will not send advertisement or SPAM to your email address and it will not be distributed to any third parties. You can choose whether or not you want to allow other members to send you emails in your user cp.
The Administrator might have chosen to check your email address' validity during registration.
In this case, you will receive an email with information on how to complete your registration. |
»Does this forum use cookies?
Although the use of cookies on this forum is optional, it can make the use of this forum easier and more comfortable. The use of cookies allows you to activate certain functions such as showing threads or forums containing new posts since your last visit, or allowing you to be logged in automatically the next time you visit the forums, without having to enter your username and password.
During registration, you can select the 'Remember Me?' option. Your username and password will then be stored in a cookie on your computer, and you will be logged in automatically every time you visit the forums. If you are sharing this computer with other people like at school or in an internet cafe, we recommend you do not activate this option.
You also have the choice to use a cookie to track your session and garantee that you stay logged in while you are browsing the forums. If you decide not to use cookies, the session data will be transmitted in every links you click. This can cause problems if you use a proxy-server to connect to the internet.
Once you are registered, you can always change your cookie options while editing your personal settings on this page.
»How can I modify my profile?
It is important that you keep your profile up to date. Always check if your email address is a valid one. Apart from your username, you can edit any field in your profile. The username you register with is the one you will keep forever. If you have a very good reason, you can also ask the Administrator to change your username.
You can edit your profile here.
»What do I do if have forgotten my password?
If you have forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot Password" link on any page that requires you to login.
The link will bring you to a page where you need to enter the email address you registered with. You will then receive an email with more information on how to get a new password.
»What is the signature for?
Once you are registered, you can make your personal signature. This is a short piece of text displayed at the end of your posts.
If the Administrator allows signature, you can choose the option to add your signature to all your posts.
If your signature is set, the forum will add it automatically to all your posts. While posting, you can choose to display or not your signature in your post by checking or unchecking the 'Add Signature' box.
You can also add or remove your signature from a post while editing it by checking or unchecking the 'Add Signature' box.
You can create or edit your signature with the help of the Signature Editor.
»How can I have an image under my username?
Those small images are either called User Image or Avatar. They are displayed under your username in all your posts. There 2 different kinds of avatars: those put at your disposal by the Administrator and those you upload yourself (custom avatars).
If the Administrator has allowed users to use avatars and has put some at your disposal, you can select slect the avatar which best matches your personality.
The Administrator can also allow custom avatars. In this case, you can upload an avatar from your computer to the server.
»What are the buddy and ignore lists?
You can use your buddy list to store a list of the friends you made on this forum. Click here to view which of your friends are currently browsing the forums or to send a private message to one or more of them. To add a user to your buddy list, just click on the button in a member's post.
On the other hand, your ignore list is used to ignore/block certain members. The posts made by members in your ignore list will not be displayed in threads. In addition, the members on your ignore list won't be able to send you private messages.
»What are favorites?
With the help of favorites, you can create a list of your favorite threads and forums. To add a forum or a thread to your favorites, you need to click the "Add ... to Favorites".
You can also administrate your email notifications in your Favorites. You must visit your favorites regularly to check up on your email notifications and be sure you keep on getting notifications.
»What are the rank and rank images?
According to the number of posts you have and the user group you belong in, you will receive a user rank and rank image which will is displayed under your username. These should only be used for first impressions and to evaluate your number of posts. The rank images are only used as small gimmicks. All members are the same, whatever rank they might have. |
User Group |
Required Posts |
Rank Title |
Rank Image |
User |
0 |
Grünschnabel |
User |
10 |
Jungspund |
User |
25 |
Mitglied |
User |
50 |
Eroberer |
User |
75 |
Foren Ass |
User |
100 |
Doppel-Ass |
User |
150 |
Tripel-Ass |
User |
250 |
Routinier |
User |
500 |
Haudegen |
User |
750 |
König |
User |
2000 |
Kaiser |
User |
5000 |
Lebende Foren Legende |
User |
10000 |
Foren Gott |
Moderatoren |
0 |
Moderator |
Super Moderatoren |
0 |
Super Moderator |
Administratoren |
0 |
Administrator |
General Forum Usage |
»How can I search the forums?
You can search for a username or for keywords, in the whole posts or just in the subjects, by date and within specific forums. To use this function, click on the "Search" button on top of every pages. You can only search forums to which you have access rights - you cannot search private forums unless the Administrator has given you the necessary rights.
»Can I email other members?
Yes! To email another member, you can search for the member in the Members List or click the button in any of the member's posts.
This will usually bring you to a page with a form where you can enter your message. Once you are done writing your message, press the "Send" button and your email will be sent. For privacy reasons, the recipient's email address will not be displayed.
If you can't find the "email" link or button in the member's post or in the Members List, then the member has selected that he doesn't want to receive emails from other members.
Another useful function is the possibility to send a link to a thread to somebody. When viewing a thread, you will see a link called "Recommend to Friend", it will bring you to a page where you can send a short message to whomever you want.
Registered members can also send messages to other members using the Private Messages system.
»What are private messages?
If the Administrator has activated Private Messages, registered members can send each other private messages (also known as PM).
Sending Private Messages
Private Messages work almost like emails, but they are limited to the members of the forums. You can also use BBCode, smilies and add images to your messages.
To send a new private message, you must click the "New PM" button in the private messages section of your control panel or the button in any of a member's posts.
When writing a new message, you can choose to keep/store a copy of it in your Outbox folder.
Private Messages Folders
Usually, you have two folders for your private messages: the Inbox and the Outbox.
Your Inbox folder contains all the new messages you receive, you can then read them and view which user sent it.
Your Outbox folder contains a copy of all the messages you sent and in which you selected to keep a copy.
You can create new folders for your private messages using the "Create Folder" box.
In all the folders, you have the ability to select messages in order to move them to another folder or delete them.
You must regularly delete old messages because the Administrator has probably set a limit to the number of private messages you may have in all your folders. If you pass the number of allowed private messages, you will not be able to receive any new messages until you delete a few old messages. In your folder overview, you will find an estimate of how much space you are using.
When reading a message, you will have the option to reply to the message or to forward it to one or multiple other members.
PM Tracking
When sending a new private message, you can select to track this message. This option will allow you to check whether or not the recipient has read your message.
The tracking page is seperated in two parts: unread messages and read messages.
The Unread Messages part displays the messages you decided to track and that have not yet been read by the recipient. Unread messages can be cancelled at any time if, for example, you think the content of the message is not relevant anymore.
The Read Messages part displays the messages you decided to track and that have already been read by the recipient. In addition, the date and time at which the message was read will be indicated.
You can also choose to stop tracking any message.
»How can I use the members list?
The Members List contains a complete list of all the registered members of this forum. You can sort the list alphabetically by username, registration date, email address, homepage or number of posts in either ascending or descending order.
»How can I use the calendar?
There are three different kinds of events in the Calendar: Public Events, Private Events and Birthdays.
Public Events are posted by Administrators or Moderators and anybody can view them. The Administrator can allow registered users to post public events, but this is usually not the case.
Private Events can be posted and edited by any member. The event can only be viewed and edited by the member who posted it. With private events, you can use the calendar as a personal online diary. If you are a registered user, you can post a new private event here. Under certain circumstances, you can also a private group event. These can be viewed by any member of your user group.
Birthdays can be displayed if the Administartor has activated this option. If you have indicated the date of your birthday in your profile, then it will be shown on the calendar. Note: If you didn't indicate the year of your birth in your profile, your age will not be displayed on the calendar.
If you indicated your birthday, your name will be listed on the Main Page the day of your birthday.
»What are announcements?
Announcements are important messages posted by an Administrators or a Moderators. They are used to transmit certain news, indications or rules to the users. Announcements are just like other threads, except that they are displayed at the top of the threads list in a forum.
»How can I start polls and participate in them?
You can create a poll for your thread. This is how it can be done:
Creating a Poll
This function allows you to ask a question and indicate a few possible answers. The other members can then vote for the answer they prefer and the results will be shown in the thread.
To add a poll when posting a new thread, press the "add..." button. A new page with the poll editor will then open
In the poll editor, you can indicate the question and a list of answers the members can choose from.
You can also indicate the time limit for the poll, for example, you can set the poll to stay open for a week.
Participating in a Poll
To participate in a poll, select the answer(s) for which you would like to vote and press the "Vote" button. You can also view the results before voting by pressing the "Results" button. Participating in a poll is optional. You can vote for any answer available, or not vote at all.
Choose carefully your answer, because once you have voted, you cannot change your answer.
»How can I rate threads?
At the bottom of a thread, you will find a pull-down menu you can use to rate this thread with a number between 1-5.
Rating a thread is optional, but if you think the thread is excellent, you can give it 5 stars, however, if you think the thread is terrible, you can give it only 1 star.
»How can I rate other members?
If the Administrator has activated this option, you can rate other members. The rating is based on your appreciation of the member. In a member's profile, you can use the pull-down menu to select the rating you wish to give this member. Note: you can only rate every member once.
»What are moderators?
Moderators supervise certain forums. They use their administrative powers to delete or edit unwanted messages. Moderators for a certain forum were usually normal users who were especially useful and experienced in the subject of that forum.
»What are user levels?
Members receive experience points for every day after their registration and for every posts they make. The user level is then calculated using the number of experience points the member has.
Reading and Writing Messages |
»Are there any codes I can use to format my posts?
In most cases, your posts contain normal text, but sometimes you want to emphasize certain words by indicating them, for example, in bold or italic.
Depending on the settings of this forum, you can use HTML to achieve this effect. However, Administrators usually have deactivated HTML and decided to use BBCode: a set of codes that allow you to produce common text effects. BBCode has the advantage of being easy to use, and of being immune to javascript and layout interruptions.
The Administrator may also have activated Smilies, which permits you to use small graphics to transmit feelings, and the [img] Code, which permits you to insert images in your posts.
Textformats: |
[B]Text[/B]= Text
[I]Text[/I] = Text
[U]Text[/U] = Text
With this code, you can change the size of the text.
With this code, you can change the font of the text.
With this code, you can change the color of the text.
[CENTER]Centered Text[/CENTER]
With this code, you can make the text be centered.
[ALIGN=right]Aligned Text[/ALIGN]
With this code, you can change the alignement of the elements. The possible options are right, left, center and justify. |
Others: |
[URL][/URL] =
[URL=]WoltLab[/URL] = Woltlab
[]Name[/EMAIL] = Name
[IMG]URL[/IMG] = Insert a Picture from URL. |
PHP-Syntax |
With this code, you can insert syntax-highlighted PHP code.
The code
will become |
1: 2: 3:
With this code, you can insert codes (like html).
The code [CODE]!code[/CODE] will become |
List |
With this code, you can insert a list which can contain multiple items.
The code
[*]Item 1
[*]Item 2
[*]Item 3
will become
»What are smilies?
Smilies are small graphics you can use to express feelings, e.g. a joke or embarrassment. For example, if you have posted a sarcastic comment, instead of writing 'I was joking' you can use the 'wink' smilie.
If you have used emails or chats in the past, then you probably already are familiar with this concept. Some standard codes or strings are automatically converted into smilies. For example, the code :) is turned into a smiling face. To more easily understand smilies code, turn your head on the side and use your imagination: You can see that :) represents two eyes and smile.
Sometimes you don't want the smilie code in your post to be transformed into images. In this case, when you are posting your message, you must check the 'Deactivate smilies in this post.' box in the options.
Name/Meaning |
Code |
Graphic |
großes Grinsen |
:D |
verwirrt |
?( |
rotes Gesicht |
:O |
cool |
8) |
traurig |
;( |
geschockt |
8o |
Freude |
:] |
unglücklich |
:( |
fröhlich |
:)) |
böse |
X( |
smile |
:) |
Zunge raus |
:P |
Augenzwinkern |
;) |
Augen rollen |
:rolleyes: |
Baby |
:baby: |
Teufel |
:evil: |
Zunge raus |
:tongue: |
Ausrufezeichen |
:ausrufezeichen: |
Jeah |
:ok: |
LoL1 |
:lol1: |
Hi |
:halihalo: |
Nein Nein Nein |
:auanein: |
hmm |
:hmm: |
Am Kopf kratz |
:kopfkratz: |
Konfus |
:konfus: |
Bin Krank |
:binkrank: |
Schockiert (2) |
:schockiert2: |
aahh |
:eek2: |
Engel |
:engel: |
Idiot |
:idiot: |
zzZZZzz |
:zzz: |
Heulen |
:heul: |
Ugly |
:ugly: |
Schockiert (1) |
:schockiert1: |
Regeln |
:dieregeln: |
Blah |
:blah: |
Meckern |
:meckern: |
Nein |
:nein: |
Sonst noch was? |
:klopf: |
Fight |
:fight: |
Prost |
:prost: |
Essen |
:essen: |
Keks? |
:keks: |
Banane? |
:banane: |
Welcome |
:welcome: |
Ironie |
:ironie: |
»Quick BBCodes buttons and clickable smilies
These buttons allow you to quickly and easily add BBCodes to your messages. You simply need to click the button you want to use and then enter the text you want to format.
There are two different editing modes: Normal and Enhanced Mode.
If you are using the normal mode, pressing a button will open a popup asking you to enter the tet you want to format. It will then insert the BBCode at the last position of your cursor in the text area.
If you are using the enhanced mode, pressing a button will insert the opening tag for this BBCode at the end of your message. Once you are done typing the text and want to close the tag, press the close current tag button (alt+c). In enhanced mode, you can also insert another tag in the current tag, and then press the close all tags button (alt+x) to close all the open tags. Note: the 'close tag' buttons only close tags inserted using the code buttons.
To use the clickable smilies, you simply need to click the one you wish to insert in your message, or press the More button (if it exists) to view the complete list of smilies.
»What are attachments?
The Administrator can activate the right to attach certain files to your posts. This could be a picture, a text file, a zip archive, etc. There is a limit to the size of the files you attach, the forum should not be used as an extension to your hard drive.
To add an attachment to a message you are posting, you simply need to press the "edit..." button after the post options and select the file you want to upload.
Only certain file types can be selected. The allowed extensions are listed on the file attachment page.
After your message is posted, the attachment will be indicated in your post. To view the attachment (if it's not already displayed), you simply need to click the link with the file name.
»What are post icons?
The Administrator can activate the use of posticons in new threads, posts and private messages. Posticons are small graphics you can use to express the emotion or content of your message. If you do not see a list of posticons while writing a message, then the Administrator has probably deactivated this function.
»How can I edit my posts?
If you are a registered member of the forums, you can edit or delete your own posts. However, this function can be deactivated by the Administrator.
To edit or delete one of your post, you simply need to click the image in the appropriate post. If the post is the only one in the thread, deleting the post will probably delete the whole thread.
After you have edited your post, a note, notifying other members that you have edited your post, will be displayed. Administrators and Moderators can also edit your post, however, they can choose whether or not they want this note to be displayed.
»Why are some words censored in my posts?
The Administrator can choose to censor certain words. If your post contains any of those words, they will be replaced by another word or by asterisks (*).
Every user groups have the same censored words and censoring is done automatically. The Censoring System searches for the words and replace them.
»What is email notification?
If you are posting a new thread or reply, you can choose to be notified by email if someone else posts a message in this thread. If you wish to receive notifications about a thread you didn't post in, it can also be done, you simply need to add the thread to your favorites.
If don't want to receive any notifications about a thread anymore, you can either deactivate the option by editing your post or by deleting the thread from your favorites here.
Only registered members of this forum can receive email notifications and they can choose whether or not to activate this option automatically in all their posts by editing their Options.
Email notifications are also called 'Subscriptions' or 'Favorites'.